Open The Book

Open the Book in school. May 2024

The Bible Society has created the Open the Book programme, which is all about opening the Bible, and telling Bible stories in a way that is fun, and is geared for young people to think, consider, and reflect on what they hear.

It is an absolute joy to be welcomed into St Andrew’s School, particularly on a Thursday morning, for our small Open the Book Team to tell Bible stories in a morning assembly.

It is great to start assembly with all ages singing together, and then our dramatized Bible stories also allow for youngsters to take part and assist us if they want to. This helps to bring the stories alive as well as helping to build their confidence out front in assembly. This is another positive outcome to our being in school.

Our relationship with the school has developed a great deal over the past few months, and we hope that we can help strengthen a community spirit between school, Marks Tey and St. Andrew’s Church, through Open the Book, and through other activities that we can be involved in.