These are some of the questions you might have:
When to arrive, what to bring? Plan to arrive ten minutes early, so you have time to park, walk in and find a seat. But don’t worry if you’re held up – that’s OK. Nothing you need to bring, except a smile!
What should I wear? No need to dress up – casual clothes are fine. But not too revealing – no swimwear, please!
When to sit, when to stand? Don’t worry, we’ll tell you. Or sit at least a few rows back, so you can follow others.
What if I don’t know anyone? No problem: you will, by the time you leave!
Will anyone talk to me? Yes, we’re quite good at that.
Do I need to bring a friend? Is it OK to go on my own? It’s often more fun if you come with friends; but if you’re on your own, we’ll find you some friends.
Will people judge me if I get stuff wrong? No, definitely not – we all get stuff wrong, often!
How long will it last? When can I get away? Probably about an hour, but you can hang around and chat if you want. Or you can leave anytime if you need to.
Is there food before or after? Coffee/tea/squash and biscuits afterwards, and sometimes before/during as well.
Will I have to sing? No: nobody has to, and many don’t. But it’s more fun if you let rip!
Do I have to read long or strange words? No; and we try to explain the ones we say. If we slip up, ask us what it’s about! Most of the words will be projected on a screen, but you can ask for a print copy if you want. Most people will join in, but nobody has to.
What’s a Rector, and what are Churchwardens? The Rector is a type of Vicar, caring full-time for people’s souls. The Churchwardens help him with practical things, and usually have day jobs as well.
Are children welcome? Yes, we welcome everyone (even if they’re crying). We have a children’s room if they’d be happier with their own activities, and another room if you want privacy to feed a child.
Will there be costumes, candles or incense? We normally light a couples of candles, but we don’t usually wear robes or burn incense, so no problem for asthmatics!
Do you do Confessions? We don’t have a Confessional box, but we usually say together a general prayer of Confession, and we’ll talk with you privately if you want.