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20th May 2018

Come Holy Spirit!

6th May 2018

Pioneer Ministry

22nd April 2018
Thank you, Marks Tey! Jim Day, son of Phyllis, invited me to their Christian fellowship in Marks Tey. We came to Tony Bryant's wedding, taken by Peter Adams. But it…

Witnesses and Presence

15th April 2018
The Easter season is 7 weeks long!  For the disciples, there was a lot of waiting, with gradual revelation.  A little like the Israelites, moving from the Land of Oppression…

New Wine Values

8th April 2018
After Easter, the set readings are from Acts, as we see how the first Christians lived out their faith in Jesus.  New Wine is a modern-day movement of Christians, seeking…


1st April 2018
Witnesses to the Resurrection: Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of James; Simon Peter; and Saul of Tarsus (Paul).


25th March 2018
What makes Christianity unique?  Our multi-faith society tries to lump all religions together.  What's distinctive about Christian faith?
Introduction to Mark's Gospel.  Jesus was an inveterate traveller.  In Mark 6, Jesus trains his followers to travel light and trust God.  It helped that Jesus had a clear idea…
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