Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Statement: these highlight how important the personal safety of children and adults is at St Andrew’s.
Health and Safety Policy: this is how we keep physically safe from accident.
Data Privacy Notice v4: with GDPR legislation, your information is important.
Live-streaming Privacy: and even more important, if others can see, too!
Clergy Conduct (2015): we will maintain the highest professional standards.
Churchyard_Handbook_2023: this is guidance from Chelmsford Diocese.
Churchyard Notice v2: this is our own guide for users of St Andrew’s Churchyard.
Table of Kindred and Affinity: this is who you’re not allowed to marry!
Wedding and Funeral Fees 2024: these are our charges.
Certificate of Insurance: our evidence of insurance cover.
Fire Extinguisher Certificate: to show they’ve been checked.