8th April 2018

New Wine Values

Passage: Psalm 133; John 20.19-end; Acts 4.32-35
Service Type:

After Easter, the set readings are from Acts, as we see how the first Christians lived out their faith in Jesus.  New Wine is a modern-day movement of Christians, seeking also to follow Jesus faithfully; and they have recently re-stated New Wine Values under 3 simple headings: Ministry in the power of the Spirit, Kingdom, and Family and Relationships.  These seem to reflect the way that the apostles and early Christians lived in Acts.

Our reading today from John's Gospel tells how Jesus imparted the Holy Spirit, the point of the first of the New Wine Values.  Both the Acts reading and the Psalm focus on the unity of believers, the togetherness of the third of the Values.  And Acts 4 goes on to describe the first Christians' sharing, so there was not a needy person among them, the point of the second Value.  We need these Values in the church today!